A brand refresh by Innovista's design agency aimed to make the charity more relevant to supporters in the UK and to better reflect their work in challenging places. The new logo is drawn in a bespoke, handcrafted style. The sunrise icon represents the hope, joy, and positivity of Innovista's work. It is used to highlight leaders, shine a light on them, and bring them to the forefront. The cutout aesthetic is incorporated into the web design.
There were challenges in this project—changes in personnel at Innovista and their agency made it hard to maintain momentum and vision. We worked tirelessly, meeting frequently to plan a new structure, copywriting, wireframing, and helping to design mockups of key pages.
Innovista wanted to tell their story and those of the people they work with in a better way. They had become less UK-focused and were instead crossing borders, languages, and cultures. To help visitors understand what Innovista does, their design agency introduced a new, clear strapline: "Supporting Christian leaders where they’re needed most."
Demonstrating impact is critical for every charity in order to recruit and retain supporters. The first section on the homepage directs people to the Impact page. It provides key facts—how many leaders per year are trained and mentored, where they are located, and how these leaders transform people and communities through churches, ministries, and enterprises. A slider displays cards of the latest stories celebrating achievements.
Every page concludes with an invitation to become a supporter, so the donation form needed to be on-brand, clear, and easy to use. Three call-to-action cards suggest donation amounts, who the donations will help, and a button to donate now. Each link carries the selected value to a donation form with the amount pre-selected. We worked with Donorfy to customize their web form so that users remain on the website throughout and the payment is taken securely. To remind people of the amount they have selected, we use JavaScript to repeat the amount when they add their payment details.
Innovista identifies, equips and develops Christian leaders working in challenging contexts. Every year, they train and mentor around 1,500 leaders in Britain, Ireland, Moldova, Ukraine, Central Asia and beyond. We help leaders transform people and communities through churches, ministries and enterprises.
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Search Engine Optimisation